Hear from Get-Go Customers

Who Choose Healthier Animals

We have been working with farmers, ranchers and livestock managers for several years. Watch the video above to hear a testimonial in our customers own words or read what others have had to say below:

I shipped 120 bull calves to raise. The calves were scouring badly not feeding very well and I was worried. I tried the Get-Go MR in the Milk Replacer and used the Revive product on the sick calves. The next morning, I was dreading going into the barn. When I got inside the whole barn looked like a completely different picture. Calves were hungry and moving around. The scours stopped and we were able to turn the situation around.  All I can say is 'It was like a miracle.' " - Jimmy, Illinois


“My calves usually scour at day 3 to day 10. I treat 30 – 40% of my calves for scours.  I started using Get-Go FM in the colostrum and Get-Go NM+ in all the milk feeds until weaning. Immediately the calf scours and scour treatments were reduced by at least 50%. The calves had bigger appetites and transitioned on to grain really well. I weaned the calves at 7 weeks, they were very healthy calves.” - Vernan, Indiana


"We began losing calves at day 14 and younger to clostridia. They would suddenly die. We began giving Get-Go FM to all the newborns in the colostrum milk. The calves then received Get-Go MR+ in the Milk Replacer feeds. We have not lost anymore calves and the calves have all transferred onto milk replacer without refusing any feeds and getting sick. They have good appetites and don’t get sick.” James, Illinois


"The calves given Get-Go from birth, had all fed from the feeder overnight without my help, immediately after transferring. They were strong, hungry and figured it out. I was completely shocked by this result. I couldn’t believe how easy this process became and how healthy and intelligent the calves were." Jamie, Florida.


"We have used Get-Go FM and Get-Go MR+ for 2 years. Our calf mortality averages 2% per year now, when in the past, it would run much higher about 15% average.  Now there are no scours, very few sick calves and the calves are 1 full body condition score heavier. Weight gains have really improved.”  Edward, Illinois


"I have raised calves all my life and thought I knew all the latest and best calf-raising techniques; until this past winter when Jo Gaul introduced me to Neville McNaughton with a new concept on milk digestion—Get-Go. When I heard about the concept, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.

We started adding Get-Go to the milk and within two days we saw a very dramatic difference. These calves were very hungry, had more energy, and were just plain aggressive! Now, seven months later, I can still tell these calves are different—bigger and hungrier."

- Samuel Fisher, Byron

"Get-Go heifers are healthy. They don’t end up in the treatment pen when they calve. On average 10% of our heifers need treatment after calving. I have noticed that the heifers that started on Get-Go as calves, calve and freshen very well. They seem to stay healthy during that transition and milk very efficiently.” Herd Manager, Illinois