Dairy Cow Digestive Supplements
As a dairy professional, you know better than anyone the power of milk. From the first moments a baby is born to giving calves the best chance at a health life, milk is the most important thing in determining health, weight, ability to fight infection, and overall outlook for a baby cow.
Get-Go helps enhance calves’ ability to take advantage of the gifts mother nature already provides. The health of a calf depends heavily on the calf’s ability to absorb nutrients from colostrum and milk. From the very second a calf is born, survival, vigor, health and growth rate depend on how well your calves’ guts can process, absorb and take advantage of nutrients.
Get-Go FM (First Milk) helps babies absorb more colostrum and start life with a big appetite. From there Get-Go NM (Natural Milk) and Get-Go MR (Milk Replacer) help calves continue to maximize the benefits of milk and milk replacer, gain weight, reduce instances of sickness, and remain healthy. And, if your calves experience stress, disease, travel, or other appetite killers, Get-Go Revive will help get them back on track.
Help your calves grow up to become great producers themselves right from the Get-Go!